Tuesday, December 1, 2009

NES Employment Solves

If I were in the United States right now and was looking for work, I would probably go straight to NES Employment Solutions. I strongly advocate using the Internet to find work, as I do this myself as a writer. Companies like NES Employment Solutions help those searching for work by connecting their network of employers with those needing jobs.

NES Employment Solutions does not specifically have a category for writing professionals such as myself, I could easily slide into a marketing or sales job that involved writing sales copy. I also have ample experience in the travel and hospitality industry. They also have a category for customer service, another area in which I am quite able. In fact, I think I might just send them my resume now...

Sunglasses at Eyeglasses.com

Summer is just beginning here in the southern hemisphere, and now is the time to buy sunglasses. As I wear eyeglasses about half the time, I prefer the prescription kind when I am not wearing contacts.

Eyeglasses.com has quite the selection. They have eighty nine different styles of prescription sunglasses. I particularly like the Revue Fact Eyeglasses, and would probably choose those as they have smaller lenses, something you look for if your eyeglass prescription is -9.0 or worse like mine.

I suppose if I really wanted to look chic down on Clifton Beach - the beach here in Cape Town where people go to be seen - I would choose the TriSpecs. But for those up north, where it is cold and very probably snowing right now, you can still buy a pair of sunglasses for when you go skiing.