Tuesday, December 1, 2009

NES Employment Solves

If I were in the United States right now and was looking for work, I would probably go straight to NES Employment Solutions. I strongly advocate using the Internet to find work, as I do this myself as a writer. Companies like NES Employment Solutions help those searching for work by connecting their network of employers with those needing jobs.

NES Employment Solutions does not specifically have a category for writing professionals such as myself, I could easily slide into a marketing or sales job that involved writing sales copy. I also have ample experience in the travel and hospitality industry. They also have a category for customer service, another area in which I am quite able. In fact, I think I might just send them my resume now...

Sunglasses at Eyeglasses.com

Summer is just beginning here in the southern hemisphere, and now is the time to buy sunglasses. As I wear eyeglasses about half the time, I prefer the prescription kind when I am not wearing contacts.

Eyeglasses.com has quite the selection. They have eighty nine different styles of prescription sunglasses. I particularly like the Revue Fact Eyeglasses, and would probably choose those as they have smaller lenses, something you look for if your eyeglass prescription is -9.0 or worse like mine.

I suppose if I really wanted to look chic down on Clifton Beach - the beach here in Cape Town where people go to be seen - I would choose the TriSpecs. But for those up north, where it is cold and very probably snowing right now, you can still buy a pair of sunglasses for when you go skiing.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Great Gifts from 1800Flowers.com

There is more to 1800Flowers.com than just sending flowers these days. Now don't get me wrong, I have nothing against sending flowers, but sometimes in addition to flowers, it's nice to get something more. Last year, when I was away from my wife, I sent her a dozen roses, along with a gift basket containing a teddy bear, a bottle of sparkling wine, and chocolates.

1800Flowers.com also offers gift baskets, some which boast gourmet food and other culinary delights. They pack cheese, wine, fruit, meat, vegetables, and other goodies into these baskets to complement the flowers. So now you can send more than just flowers on Mother's Day, a birthday, anniversary, or other special occasion. Now you can send flowers along with a variety of other gifts that tantalize the tongue!

The Language of Flowers

Flowers are a great way to communicate how we feel about other people. Roses have a plethora of meanings depending on their colors, but other flowers also can communicate feelings.

Some examples include:
  • aster - symbolizes patience
  • carnations - shows someone you are proud of them
  • chrysanthemum - represents fidelity
  • daffodil - essence of chivalry
  • gladiolus - strength of character
  • hyacinth - constancy
  • lilac - youthful innocence
  • lily - wealth and pride
  • protea - courage
  • sunflower - pure thoughts
These are just one element of these flowers meanings, but it is interesting to be able to communicate with someone in the language of flowers.

If you are looking to send flowers to someone special, you may want to look into 1800Flowers coupon codes. In the current economic situation, it is always a good idea to save money!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

NES Staffing Solutions: My Ticket Back to America?

I got into an argument with my wife today, so I went online to NESStaffing.com to look into jobs in the United States. Needless to say, the argument was about money. Or rather, the lack of it. I know and she knows, though she will not admit it, that I would be able to earn much more working on the other side of the Atlantic pond than I do here in South Africa. Even in boom times, the unemployment rate here has been over 20%, and that is just among those still looking for work.

Now, I know that NES Staffing Solutions will not help me find a job here in Africa, but I do know that if they were to help me find something that paid sufficiently, we could move to California, the only state in which my wife has stated she will live. Nationwide Employment Solutions
has offices all over California, from Los Angeles to Chico. I even found a job as an account representative in Santa Cruz, where her brother lives. Too bad she is not getting along with her brother these days either, so this will not draw her back to that seaside town. But maybe, just maybe, I would be able to talk her into moving back to California one of these days...

RENEW International: Renewing Faith Among the Youth

My father would respect what RENEW International is doing in sharing the Christian faith. I think he would be especially impressed with what they are doing in their young adult ministry. Father John Cusick, a consulting presenter for RENEW International and the director of the young adult ministry for the Chicago Archdiocese, acknowledges that many young Catholics have turned away from organized religion because it has lost its meaning to many Catholics. A number of young adults now see themselves as spiritual rather than religious.

Father Cusick actively encourages a direct personal approach to engaging young adults to participate in activities in the Catholic Church. This use of what he refers to the "Jesus method" shows the strong foundation RENEW International has in the roots of the Christian faith. Jesus engaged with people. He asked questions of them and respected others' humanity. One of the most important parts of this ministry goes beyond religion. The importance of this goes beyond the Catholic Church. It presents a belief system that focuses on who we all are: people of God.

A Trip for My Father

YMT Vacations looks to be offering a tour that would suit my father well. One of their featured vacation destinations is the Oberammergau Tour. Now, his family comes from the Munich area, the first destination on the tour. Our ancestors used to farm near Munich and several also brewed beer, and both my father and I share a love for brewed beverages.

As a pastor for a small congregation in Hollywood Township, Minnesota, I am certain that he would like the main draw for this tour. This YMT Vacations tour includes a passion play that takes place every ten years in Oberammerau, Germany. In 1634, the citizens of Oberammerau vowed to put on a passion play every ten years if God would spare them from the bubonic plague that affected the surrounding area. Since that time, every ten years Oberammerau residents put on this passion play.

If YMT Vacations keeps offering such a wide variety of interesting tours, I may have something to look forward to in my old age.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

K-Designers: Saving Energy One House at a Time

Many people do not understand how important professionally installed siding, windows, and doors are in regards to energy savings. K-Designers, who specializes in these areas of remodeling, understands this.

K-Designers offers "quality, energy-efficient, and cost saving home improvement products", which can help keep heating costs down in winter and costs of cooling a home lower during the summer months. Now, no siding really offers much insulation against cold in and of itself, but vinyl siding helps keep out moisture, which protects the interior walls of houses where the insulation is. Even more important are well-sealed windows and doors. Well-installed windows and doors are really important during the winter in the Midwestern states, something which I know from personal experience. Even a slight crack can allow the chill of winter to slip into a house, and this chill can make your heating system work overtime. The extra costs in the current economic climate take away precious resources that could be better used elsewhere.

Energy efficiency is one of the items muted by the new Obama administration as something vital not only to consumers' pocketbooks, but also to the environment. If
K-Designers continues to innovate in its offerings for energy efficient products, I foresee a bright future for them.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Renew International's Faith Sharing Initiative

Renew International seeks for Catholics to share their faith as members in small Christian communities. It is an important spiritual component of the Christian faith from which many Christian communities have fallen away. You see giant churches, some with thousands or even tens of thousands on their books. They often have varied activities for people, but too often the spirituality is lost in the socialization.

I think I have always had a greater respect for the Roman Catholic Church than my father, as I have seen firsthand how the wealth of the Catholic Church has been utilized to care for the poor. In many respects, however, my father would relate well to what Renew International seeks to accomplish. Smaller communities and friendships tend to personalize relationships and allow us to help others in small ways. Helping people in small ways is essentially what Christianity is about. It is about loving your neighbor, meaning not just the person next door, but everyone you meet.

As a pastor of a small congregation in Hollywood, Minnesota my father is seeking to do essentially the same thing as Renew International. He is nurturing the spiritual life of a small community of believers.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Power Properties: the Place to Live in Dallas

I've been doing some research for a novel I am in the midst of writing and came across Power Properties Dallas. The character I was writing about actually comes from Fort Worth, which anyone who has lived in Texas knows neighbors Dallas. Personally, I prefer Austin to Dallas, but perhaps that's because I never lived in one of the fancy Power properties Dallas has to offer.

Actually, the novel doesn't even involve Dallas, but I wanted to revisit Texas, as two of my other novels begin there. I can't actually picture either of the main characters living in one of Power Properties Dallas luxury apartments, though not because they don't look nice... but rather because they look way too nice! They look like somewhere I'd want to live in Dallas... that is, if I ever lived there.

K-Designers: a Builder from the Heartland

I wish we had a company like K-Designers here in South Africa. It would make it a lot easier to do renovations. As it stands, you don't know whether you are getting a cowboy who will cut corners or a reputable builder. Now, we know a reputable builder, my wife's cousin, but he is fairly pricey and besides, he's booked up until at least next year.

But perhaps K-Designers doesn't need to come to Cape Town. Perhaps we can go to them. Housing prices in California, one of the many states in which they are based, have fallen through the floor and hit the basement, so perhaps even we could afford a small domicile there. My wife wouldn't mind living a bit north of Sacramento, though she prefers coastal areas, and is quite fond of Mendicino and Humboldt Counties.

Of course, I know by now that K-Designers originated in Wyoming, which neighbors my home state, Nebraska, where my sister and youngest brother still live. So yes, I have an affinity towards this company that began on the Western plains.

YMT Vacations: Now Taking You to Europe

I am going to tell my father-in-law about the new tour offered by YMT vacations. It starts in New York City, an hour away from where he lives in Warwick. It includes a transatlantic cruise to England, where he could spend a few days frollicking with his grandchildren, William and Tabby. My mother-in-law, meanwhile, has been talking about buying a barge in Paris on which could live during South Africa's winters. She could spend time in a steamy Parisian summer before returning to Cape Town before it got to cool up north. She hates the cold... even the relatively mild cold of Cape Town's winters. The two of them could even meet up and rekindle their relationship from decades ago. I think they have both got over that whole divorce debacle and are on amicable terms.

Yes, it certainly seems as if YMT Vacations is branching out into international holidays, and it is still a good value for seniors. YMT vacations is also offering a 25 day European cruise and land tour that begans in Italy then takes travelers on to Spain, Morrocco, Barbados, and finally Antigua.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Resume for D. A. Rupprecht

David A. Rupprecht
10 Mount Road, Rondebosch 7700, Cape Town, South Africa
Telephone Numbers (South African numbers please dial International Code first)
H: +27-21-685-0235 W: +27-21-689-1833 Fax: +27-86-683-5848
Cell: +27-72-644-7038 US: 952-353-1618
E-mail (best way to contact me): darupprecht@gmail.com
Career Focus To earn a living through the written word.
· Experienced in writing fiction in multiple genres and from multiple viewpoints as well as articles,
biographies, essays, poetry, songs, advertising copy, marketing, correspondence, blogs, editorial
pieces, research reports, and creative print ad copy.
· Experienced in editing and proofing longer manuscripts for readability and grammar.
· Well-versed in copyediting, marketing, and writing web copy.
· Strong technical command of the English language; familiarity with virtually all writing styles;
serious commitment to excellence in the printed and published word.
· Competent at web & traditional research as well as interviewing techniques.
Education &
B.A., Sociology/History, University of Nebraska, Kearney & Lincoln, Nebraska, USA (graduated 1999)
· President, History Club: 1990-1991. Kearney, Nebraska, USA
· Member, Phi Eta Sigma (freshman honor society): inducted 1989. Kearney, Nebraska, USA
· Member, Isle Broddick Association of Writers: 1991-93. Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
Novelist/Screenwriter (1987-Present) – Self-employed
· Wrote, proofread, edited, & rewrote two novels: CAT’S WORLD (YA) & HARDCORE (dark, quirky).
On spec. (2002-2008)
· Marketed both novels via e-mail and post through use of query letters. (2003-Present)
· Developed contacts with literary agents, corresponded with agents, and made changes to
manuscripts as per agents’ suggestions. (2003-Present)
· Wrote pilot for potential South African sitcom, LOCK UP AND GO. (2008)
· Novels in progress: IN REAL LIFE (YA), JERRY (novel based on true story), ALL ALONG THE
(dark comic mystery). (1989-Present)
· Scripts in progress: CAT’S WORLD (based on book), KHAYELITSHA: A NEW BEGINNING (movie
screenplay set in South Africa). (2008-Present)
Songwriter/Poet/Singer (1985-Present) – Self-employed
· Wrote, edited, and contributed toward songs for Kenny’s Hill, a nascent punk/indie/grunge band.
· Performed as singer. (2001-2002)
· Developed and maintained contacts with record companies and PR firms. (2002-Present)
· Published poems in various American poetry anthologies. (1987-1988)
Blogger/Editorialist (Social & Economic Commentary - 2005-Present) – Self-employed
· Contributor to www.thecreatingwealthblog.com. (2008-Present)
· Contributor to Cape Times editorial page. (2005-2007)
· Developed questions and interviewed Bill Scarborough for a DVD documentary. (2007)
Copywriter/Website Copy/Advertising (2003-Present) – For various companies.
· Wrote original copy for www.rondeboschguestcottages.co.za. (2004)
· Wrote copy for www.hollywoodcontstructionservices.com. (2008)
· Developed, wrote copy for, and enacted e-advertising campaign as well as corresponded on a day
to day basis with clientele for Rondebosch Guest Cottages. (2004-2007)
· Developed marketing campaign, including writing business letters to potential clientele, for
Hollywood Construction Services. Efforts amounted to over 70% of clientele in 2008 and over 60%
of contracts. (2008)
· Wrote ad copy for guano distribution business. (2003)
MS Word • WordPerfect • MS Excel • MS Outlook • Internet Research Skills • IBM and Mac Systems.
Writing samples & references available on request

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Need a Holiday? Try YMT Vacations

My wife needs to go on holiday... so I told her about YMT vacations. This company has a number of packages for the Rose Parade in Pasadena. She'd like that. She loves California, the only state in the US in which she would live. She hates snow and cold weather, and it's starting to get a bit windy and rainy here in Cape Town, South Africa.

True, YMT Vacations markets itself more for the senior market, but I think with a grey wig and a bit of makeup we can make her look like a youthful looking 60 year old. She won't mind, and maybe she can even take her mother with her.

She better start being nicer to me, though, or I'll send her on the Alaska cruise offered by YMT vacations. Maybe then she'll learn to appreciate snow. I'll take the Rose Parade package, and see if I can sneak off to watch the Rose Bowl while in Pasadena. But now just have to figure out what to do with the kids...

K-Designers: The Best Remodeling Company... Ever

Having worked for a construction company last year, marketing their services, I know a little about the business. So when I came across this article online about K-Designers, I knew exactly what they meant. The fact that a construction company will do the work first without a down payment is indeed something of which to take note. Most construction companies don't do that. Happiness is key to customer satisfaction, and one of my pet peeves is companies, regardless of their industry, that fail in this respect.

Frankly, it is unlikely that a company that has not taken any money off of you will do a bad job. They want to get paid, and if a company like K-Designers were to fall short, it seems as if they are honorable enough to make sure it gets made right. The more I think about it, the more I wish I had happened across K-Designers rather than the company I worked for last year. The company for which I worked last year still owes me money... and I'd bet that K-Designers would have been able to pay me...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Trying to Get Rid of My Mother in Law

I'm trying to get rid of my mother in law. Not for forever... just for awhile. Today I came across YMT Vacations, a company that offers group tours at reduced rates for seniors. I keep telling her what a beautiful continent North America is, and that she should spend some time there.

She's been to the United States to visit, but she hasn't really seen its true beauty, as every other time she has gone she went to visit her children. When we lived in California and she came to visit, we took her down the coast to Big Sur, where we saw one of the few waterfalls that flow directly into the ocean. She was unimpressed, saying that there was a waterfall like this along the Garden Route in South Africa. But what of the trips to Hawaii and Alaska YMT Vacations has on offer? I asked her. She responded by saying that Alaska was far too cold and Hawaii far too hot for her tastes. She prefers the climate in the Cape and the scenery from her cottages in Cape Town and, looking out the window, can I really blame her?

I think I might tell my own parents about YMT Vacations, but they are not likely to go on vacation until my father decides to retire in a few years...

Corporate Responsibility in Difficult Times

It's nice to see that some bigger companies such as K-Designers have a heart, especially in such dire economic times as those in which we live. While other large corporations like AIG take gigantic federal hand-outs and in turn provide their employees with ever larger bonuses, K-Designers quietly does the right thing for all the communities in which they work.

Their efforts at community involvement are commendable. While it is understandable that they would donate their time and expertise to projects such as Habitat for Humanity and Seattle's Christmas in April, which involve remodeling - their area of expertise - the fact that they also contribute in ways that support schools, good health, children, and other noble causes is reason enough for K-Designers and their workforce to hold their heads high.

What it shows is that K-Designers is a good corporate citizen... and during these dark economic times, we need more companies like them.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Celebrating Mothers of the World Through Flowers

Flowers are the gift of choice for most mothers this Sunday, when most nations throughout the world will celebrate mothers of all ages. Mothers day is the day we honor those who brought us into this world, and it is also the day when husbands honor their wives who have given them children.

Flowers are fleeting, but you can make them last longer with a few simple tips. The longer these flowers last, the longer your special mother will remember the thought behind the gift. Keep flowers in a cool spot (18-22 degrees C), and keep them away from radiators, the tops of televisions or computers, out of direct sunlight, and away from fans. For flowers with woody stems, it is recommended that they be cut with sharp shears, which will make the flowers open. Leaves should not go below the water line, as this will promote bacterial growth.

Often flowers arrive in floral foam that is specifically designed to kill bacteria and nourish the flowers, so don't throw it out, and when it becomes cloudy, replace it. It is very important to follow directions about the floral food, however, as misuse can do more harm than good. Do all this, and your Mothers day flowers will last for days beyond the one set aside for mothers.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Mother's Day Gifts - Sometimes Artificial is Better Than Real

Mother's Day gifts are often a card and some flowers. I won't be giving my mother any real flowers this year, or any other year... she's allergic to most kinds of flowers. She loves flowers, but unfortunately cannot be around them. Instead, my parents have bouquets of artificial flowers scattered about their home.

So... I am looking into sending artificial flowers as one of my Mothers Day gifts to her. It so happens that 1800FLOWERS.com offers a plethora of different types of artificial flowers along with its assortment of real ones. Besides the fact that my mother won't have visit the emergency room for a quick shot of cortisone, artificial flowers are better than real in many other ways. They don't wilt and they keep their beauty for years. Now... I just have to decide if roses (my favorite) or some other type of flowers will be one of my gifts for Mothers Day.

A Brief History of Mother's Day

The modern celebration of Mother's Day in the United States was begun in the early 20th century by Anna Jarvis, who campaigned for a national day to honor mothers and as a way to honor her own deceased mother. But the idea of giving flowers as a gift to your mother goes back to the Middle Ages, to a day called Mothering Sunday in Europe.

During the Middle Ages, children as young as eight would be sent off to learn a trade or to work in the houses of the wealthy in neighboring towns. These children rarely got the chance to see their mothers, as transport was difficult and relatively expensive. Often, children would return home for the weekend on the fourth Sunday of Lent, before the Easter holidays, during which they were needed to help prepare for the Easter feasts. Along the way home, children would pick flowers for their mothers in this medieval Mothers Day, accompanied by gifts from their employers.

Today, Mother's Day is celebrated around the world, on different days, though it is celebrated by most countries on the second Sunday of May.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Frank Hanna on the Love of Money

We have heard a lot about how people such as Warren Buffett and Bill Gates have given the majority of their fortunes away to charity. While many people with fortunes not so vast as theirs may see this philanthropy as a good thing, what has not really been explained are the reasons behind such philanthropy.

Frank J. Hanna III is a philanthropist in his own right, who belongs to the Philanthropy Roundtable, a group of individuals, corporate representatives, and members of foundations who gather each year to discuss their objectives for charitable donations. He writes in his book "What Your Money Means" about the importance of using your money to make the world a better place. In his book he discusses what it means to have money and the responsibilities inherent in possessing wealth.

Frank J. Hanna has had ample experience in creating wealth, having started Hanna Capital LLC, of which he is CEO, with his brother David Hanna in 1989. The company invests in other businesses and by 2007, it had over $4 billion dollars in assets. Much like Warren Buffet, Frank Hanna and his brother base their decisions on the real worth of a company before investing in it.

In an interview with Deal Hudson for InsideCatholic.com, Hanna rejects greed as the motivator of those who helped bring about the current economic crisis, but rather puts forth the idea that the West's culture of materialism led to the meltdown. He explains how credit, the flip side of debt, can be used to create wealth through investment in business and education, and that credit has been used instead to allow people to live beyond their means.

Hanna believes that the market economy is the best way to create wealth, and the reliance on the government to put things right is perhaps not the best policy. With the wealth created from the market economy comes prosperity, which creates jobs and other business opportunities. He quotes an ancient Jewish philosopher who stated that the best form of charity is to help people help themselves. He believes government cannot solve the problem alone, and that all of us are part of the solution.

"This is a crisis, but embedded within any crisis is opportunity,
" states Hanna.

Hanna does not see wealth as independent of the community, but sees it as a tool that can be used to better the lives of people in the community. As an entrepreneur and philanthropist he has invested much time, energy, and money into education. Much of his philanthropic giving goes towards improving education. Frank J. Hanna's book offers ample advice to those who have made money and wonder what to do with it.

The book is a moral guide to today's billionaires as well as the wealthy of the future, providing a moral compass that many of those who chase wealth in these times have forgotten.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Eyeglasses.com Revisited

Glasses frames have been around since the 1200s A.D. After nearly 800 years of waiting, they can finally be found online at Eyeglasses.com. Well, perhaps it hasn't been quite that long, as Eyeglasses.com has been around since 1999. But enough waiting!

Eyeglasses of every shape, color, design, make, material, etc. can be found on their site, and they have an advanced search tool that you can use to find your ideal set of spectacles. They even stock a pair made of wood by Chakra! Eyeglasses.com has already served millions through their website, and their database of more than two hundred thousand different glasses leaves conventional retailers in its dust. If you can't find it here, you won't find it anywhere.

They have several hundred designer eyeglasses, all very reasonably priced. You can even find Versace Glasses, which have been retooled by Donatella Versace, sister to the late Gianni Versace. So if you want to frame your eyes with some stylish eyeglasses, you know where to go. Eyeglasses.com.

Marketing Construction

My wife told me, more than once, that the only state in the U.S.A. in which she will live is California. I came across an advertisement on HotJobs.com today by a company in California called K-Designers, listing a number of positions throughout the United States, many of them in California, where they are based. It seems from the ads that they are especially in need of people with marketing and sales backgrounds.

Hmmm.... this sounds intriguing. K-Designers is one of the top five remodeling companies in the United States, having been in existence since 1978, and growing rapidly. It's a difficult time in the construction industry, but it looks like they have found a niche. People aren't buying new homes so much these days with the credit crunch, but those who can afford to are renovating the homes in which they already live.

I helped market a small construction company in Hollywood, Minnesota, in 2008 and know how difficult construction firms of all sizes are finding the current economic climate. Through my marketing efforts, I brought in over two thirds of the business that year and in so doing helped the owner save his company, utilizing innovative techniques I'd learned from my years in telephone sales and market research, along with my own creativity. It seems as if K-Designers is using many of the same tools I did.

I've also seen how customer service can make or break a business. The key to any successful business and the key to its survival in these dire economic times is just that, attention to the customer. This is something that K-Designers hqs a handle on, and I'm wondering if perhaps this should be my next career move.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Renew Your Faith

I grew up as a Lutheran, but as I grew older (and conceivably wiser) I found there was not really that much difference between the different Christian denominations. I went to a Catholic church service first with a girlfriend, and found it ritually similar to the services I had grown used to in the Lutheran church. I consider myself non-denominational now, but have the greatest respect for the Catholic Church, which I have seen first hand as offering aid and comfort to the poor of the world.

A small group of members, led
by two priests,Tom Kleissler and Tom Ivory of the Newark diocese, came together with a shared vision to renew the Catholic Church in 1976. Thus began Renew International, a faith sharing vision of the future of the Catholic Chruch. Renew now offers materials that enable small Christian communities to share their faith, and even offer some excerpts for free.

Renew International involves small groups from diverse backgrounds and cultures, who
seek to carry out the command originally given by Jesus Christ to "go make disciples of all nations." Renew has since grown to include service for over twenty five million Americans in some fifteen thousand parishes and one hundred thirty dioceses, with a presence in twenty two countries besides the United States.

The basis is simple, and similar to the early Christian Church, where small groups of people gathered together to share their beliefs and support each other's faith and spiritual growth. Renew International is a powerful example to others who wish to evangelize, showing how small groups of people can come together accomplish great things.

Vaccinating Rotavirus

Rotavirus is the leading cause of diarrhea in the world among infants and children, causing more than half a million deaths a year and nearly two million children to fall seriously ill.  Dr. Paul Offit helped develop a vaccine to eliminate this threat.  Dr. Offit authored a book, Vaccinated by Harper Collins, that delves into how humanity has been helped by the development of vaccines, also debunking myths about them in the process.  

Dr. Paul Offit saw the enormous effects infectious diseases have had on humanity throughout history, and was determined to make a difference in medical school.   In thirty years of study and research on infectious diseases and vaccines, he has written over one hundred and thirty papers as well as several books on the subject.  He has also won awards for his work in the field.

Recently, the Center for Disease Control recommended the vaccine that Dr. Paul Offit helped develop to be used universally on infants.  That's one more common disease that humanity soon will have under control.

Offering Affordable Health Insurance

Who says you can't help people in need while earning a decent salary?

United American Insurance Company thinks you can.  United American has been a provider of supplemental health insurance and individual life insurance since 1947, and provides in class, on-the-job, and Internet-based training for all of its agents.   By generating thousands of leads weekly, an agent can earn well and advance quickly in this company as well as providing travel incentives for its best producers.    

United American Insurance Company is an authorized provider for supplemental Medicare insurance and has been involved in Iowa's Covering Kids and Families in Iowa, a program to help those who do not qualify for Medicaid but can't afford health insurance on their own.

United American Insurance Company is an established company that believes in the potential of people to improve lives.  Whether you are looking into a new career or looking for affordable insurance products, United American can offer you solutions.

The Leadership of Linus Gitahi

Kenya was in the news last year after its national elections nearly became a civil war.  Violence and corruption have been commonplace in African elections for decades.  The African continent is often viewed by the rest of the world as backwards, and its leaders seen as little more than thugs.

That is part of the reason people like Linus Gitahi have joined together to form the Africa Leadership Initiative.  This initiative was brought together to bring leaders from civic societies, government, and business together.  To ensure that Africa's next generation of leaders brings progress to the continent, each leader must understand the challenges they all face in this globalized world, define what type of society they want to live in, identify their own personal weaknesses and strengths, and lead by example.

There are a wealth of leaders on the continent, but few who have the determination to make Africa a better place for all of its people.  Linus Gitahi, currently CEO of the Nation Media Group, the largest media group in Central and Eastern Africa, is part of this movement.Mr. Gitahi has had a long and successful career as a business executive, going back to 1988, when he was Audit Assistant for Coopers and Lybrand.  Prior to becoming CEO of NMG, he was the head of marketing in Africa for a global pharmaceutical company, GlaxoSmithKline.  He has also been involved in community activities, such as sitting on the Board of Governers of Huhoini Secondary School and a committee member for the Christian Family Fellowship.

Africa needs more leaders like Linus Gitahi.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


If you're like me, wearing glasses is just a part of life. Okay, I prefer contacts, as I see better with them (anyone with a prescription of -9.0/-9.5 knows what I mean), but I can only wear them for short periods before my eyes start itching.

And my wife for some reason prefers me with glasses. "It makes you look more like a writer," she says.

My wife wears glasses as well, which she lost, so I have been looking online for glasses for her, as lenses and frames are particularly expensive here in South Africa. And that is how I came across Eyeglasses.com. They have a wide variation of styles. Just looking under women's glasses I found over 4500 different styles! And their range of frames is incredibly reasonable, with some below $60 for the frame. They are listed in alphabetical order, so if you have a brand name that you like, it's easy enough to find.

Personally, I think my wife would look sexy in some Via Spiga Napolis, which are shaped like a cat's eyes. They're Italian, and she has a penchant for Italian designs.

For me, I prefer round glasses, and found a very reasonably priced set of frames for only $89. This Lennonesque Peace design would look good on me. I prefer frames with smaller spaces for the lenses so that the "glass" isn't as thick.

I noted too that they deliver internationally, and so I dropped their customer service department a line. Eyeglasses.com states on its home page that it ships internationally, and also has free shipping for orders over $55, so I am very keen to hear back from them.